Monday, August 23, 2010


Today was our first day of school!  My oldest started pre-Kindergarten.  It was a very exciting day!  We were all up bright and early, Logan's first words this morning were, "I am very anxious to go to school, is it time yet?"

Notice his backpack at breakfast while still in his jammies...

Our first "official" first day of school photo

On the way to school, he is starting to get a bit nervous.  Emma gave Logan her bunny to hold on the way to school.  He won't put his back pack down...

Poor Logan, looks like a deer caught in headlights, time to say good-bye to mommy...reality setting in! (still wearing his back pack)

Home!  Kate couldn't wait to see her brother.  It was a GOOD first day!

Today was an awfully BIG day in our house.  Hard for mommy to see her baby boy out on his own, his sisters missing their brother, and Logan coming home with newly found independence. It was a good day.  Next year they will all be in school, where does the time go?

Best wishes,


Valarie said...

Ah Tammy....what a special day. You brought back memories for me. I am glad that Logan had a good first day.
xxoo Valarie

Moore Minutes said...

What fun and sweet memories to capture in those photos! You're a blessed Momma. <3

Grandma said...

Thats my big boy, I remember your first day of preschool....Where do the years go? Think it's time for Grandma to come see her Grandkids again, they are growing way to fast.....Miss you all....Love, Mom (Grandma)