Wednesday, May 5, 2010


My 3 year old Kate has been dreaming of Barbie.  She's been telling me for weeks that she is a "BARBIE GIRL" (thank you advertisers).  This past weekend we went to Target to pick out her new BEST FRIEND!   After a LONG visit to the Barbie aisle she finally chose SPARKLE PRINCESS BARBIE.

Barbie fresh from her box, look at that face!

True love...

They are inseparable... they play together, eat together, sleep together...

Seeing Kate with her first Barbie I began to think about my first Barbie (SuperStar) and how much I loved her and how the top of her dress always tore and how she always fell off the seats in her Barbie Camper, but I LOVED HER.  The waitress at the restaurant where we first gave Kate her doll was nostalgic about her first Barbie too.  What are your Barbie memories?

Best wishes,


Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

So sweet! I loved my Barbies and their blow up furniture.
Gotta love hanging out in the toy isle at Target!

Sharon Haynie said...

I still love Barbie! I have my first barbie, the one that the knees bent, and several of the collictible holiday barbies. My granddaughters love to look at them too!

Janean said...

i remember when the barbie house was released! it was cardboard - even the furniture and i got it for Christmas!!!! gooooood memories!

Alice said...

My first Barbies were the older ones with the molded hair. Later came the newer ones, and sometimes I was lucky enough to get a dress or two that was not handmade.